From: Maniac High's Seduction Website


Read about HB Blitz! Dealing with chicks who liked to be taken advantage of!

From Thu Sep 23 03:44:01 1999
From: "maniac_high" 
Subject: Re: Profile Report! Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
Lines: 107
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 04:29:43 GMT
X-Trace: 937628983 (Fri, 17 Sep 1999 21:29:43 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 21:29:43 PDT
Organization: Talkway, Inc.
Status: RO

Profile Report: Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!

Sometimes, when I think even I understand how far chick 
logic can take a woman's brain, I meet someone new, who 
reminds me how little I know. Tonight was such a night.

There is a chick that is in a hobby club which I am a 
member. Now I have a rule about not nanpa'ing / Puing 
chicks in this club, just because it makes for messy endings 
that are hard to eject from. This chick (a top 10 big titted 
awsome Japanese HB by the way),  told me she was having 
trouble with her BF, and had shown an interest in me (uh oh 
;-). So I figured to hear her story, and try to learn something 
even if I dont plan to PU the chick. This was insightful, 
even I learned a lot from this! was shocked 
actually.. Here goes..

HB Blitz started dating her current BF about two years ago.  
BF is a playboy, and is dating several chicks at once (like 
your's truly ;-) ). Problem is he is sloppy about it. The good 
thing is, because of chick logic, it isn't a problem! 

From her description, BF playboy  is an interesting 
Status: RO

character, and a good PUA. Apparently, he will hit on 
chicks anywhere, even in front of HB blitz! (I am trying to 
find a way I can meet him, so I can go PU with him ;-) ). BF 
playboy seems to have a bit of Nathan's GM's friend 
attitude, and will go hit on chicks in a restaurant, and then 
come back to HB Blitz and remark about how that chick has 
good tits, or whatever. He is in their face, and will get 
phone numbers and everything, and leave HB Blitz sitting at 
the table while he is doing the PUA (and no, she doesn't 
leave, she sits and TAKES IT!).

Another time, they were on a plane trip somewhere, and he 
went to the back of the plane to grab a smoke. He came 
back 30 minutes later, and she asked where he was (he said 
he was talking to some girls in the back of the plane). Then 
he left again, and stayed back there the duration of the flight 
with the chicks. HB blitz TOOK THAT, too!

And there are many many more stories like this she told me,
where she caught him out with chicks, and he got angry at
her, or didn't deny it, or other shit..

And now, the coup de grace. BF Playboy had given a key to 
his place to HB blitz at some point. One day she forgot 
something (or used this as an excuse to spy.Maniac knows 
better ;-) ), and called BF playboy several times. Then she 
goes in the place, and she catches him doing a chick on the 
bed! Her remark, was something like "Who is this fucking 
girl!". And now the good part, he got angry at HER, and  
blamed her, that it was her fault, because she came in 
uninivited, and thats why she found this! HER FAULT, not 

And, the killer!.she then told me, it was for reasons like 
this.that she somehow LIKED HIM!! I asked her to 
explain, and she couldn't. My impression is that she likes an 
attractice man she cannot control, and this has to be the 
ultimate example of that! She also remarked she likes the 
man to be in control, and lead her.

After that incident, he asked her to move in with him! .and 
he is never home most night (get a clue fuck!, heck, I bet 
she already knows, but somehow in some masochistic way, 
she likes getting left home while BF playboy is out fucking 
other chicks!).. and, she says she can't decide what to do!

This guys, is earthshattering material. I would have never 
known that you could do so much shit to a chick, and still 
have her madly in love with you, to take.EVEN MORE SHIT! 
Fucking incredible..!
Its like the more this guy abuses her (not physically), the 
more she takes even more!

It also means that Maniac will get much more GM in style, 
and much more blatent with chicks when around chicks. I 
will see what happens and report. Not be an asshole like
this guy (though being an asshole seems to get good chicks
because she is fucking AWESOME).

As an aside to this, I told her that I am seeing a chick, (in 
fact, she has even seen me with her!), it didn't bother her, 
she was after me, and holding hands massages and kino and 
all other shit I didn't even start when I was with her. I 
would have fucked her RIGHT THERE, had she not been a 
club member (which my other GF is also a member of ; ha!).

Fucking unbelieveable.. I would have never expected chicks 
to think like this and act this way.and I thought I had seen 
a lot..  BTW, this chick is an abosolute hot 10, even by 
Japanese model quality.. so its not like that 
she couldn't get another BF to replace this guy in 30 
seconds or something.

Comments welcome from zipjack, as well as the regulars 
who could explain what could possibly be happening here..
as even I was surprised by THIS story..

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