From: Maniac High's Seduction Website


mrsex4unyc comments on HB Blitz!

From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Fri Oct  1 00:27:58 1999
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Profile Report! Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
Lines: 279
Date: 27 Sep 1999 17:07:17 GMT
Organization: AOL
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
Message-ID: <>

In article ,
"maniac_high"  writes:

>Profile Report: Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
>Sometimes, when I think even I understand how far chick 
>logic can take a woman's brain, I meet someone new, who 
>reminds me how little I know. Tonight was such a night.

I have read ahead and would like to repeat what I have been saying all along:

women WANT to get picked up by men... they just want to get picked up by MEN

the TWIST in this case is that women will not GIVE UP men that they want...

DISCLAIMER:  I am a "natural" so I understand completely what is going on here
and will attempt to explain it, but girls react differently to naturals than
regular guys, so my comments may not be useful to most except for theoretical
use :)

>There is a chick that is in a hobby club which I am a 
>member. Now I have a rule about not nanpa'ing / Puing 
>chicks in this club, just because it makes for messy endings 
>that are hard to eject from. This chick (a top 10 big titted 
>awsome Japanese HB by the way),  told me she was having 
>trouble with her BF, and had shown an interest in me (uh oh 
>;-). So I figured to hear her story, and try to learn something 
>even if I dont plan to PU the chick. This was insightful, 
>even I learned a lot from this! was shocked 
>actually.. Here goes..
>HB Blitz started dating her current BF about two years ago.  
>BF is a playboy, and is dating several chicks at once (like 
>your's truly ;-) ). Problem is he is sloppy about it. The good 
>thing is, because of chick logic, it isn't a problem! 

it is NOT a problem.  when I used to date several chicks that lived near each
other, I announced to all of them that I was seeing other chicks.  I also
announced to the important ones WHO the other chicks were, because I didn't
want to get caught in lies or bad situations walking around town with them. 
ALL of them gave me NO resistance whatsoever.  None of them asked me to be only
with them.  my demeanor from the beginning is one of take-it-or-leave-it on
both sides.  when they meet me, I am freely checking out chicks' asses and tits
and commenting on them.  if they DECIDE to get with me, they know this ahead of
time that I like LOTS of girls and am not interested in them for their minds or
their emotions, but for their bodies and for fun.  they have already accepted
this by the time they get with me.  they do not EXPECT me to just be with them
or to love them or have some emotional connection to them.  they see me as
action like I see them as action and we agree and that's it.  what happens
though is that they want MORE after a while and start to up the ante to get me
to just be with them.  the difference here is that THEY are requesting
something of me, not the other way around.  If I were requesting sex from them,
they could request the context of a relationship / committment.  since I am NOT
and they know I can get sex off of any other chick as quickly as I got it off
of her, THEY have to do the work to MAKE ME want to just be with them.  I have
ALL the power in the relationship... all they can do is get with the program or

>From her description, BF playboy  is an interesting 
>character, and a good PUA. Apparently, he will hit on 
>chicks anywhere, even in front of HB blitz!

as long as this is set up in the beginning, you can do this forever.  if you
don't accept any women that hinder your efforts to meet other women, you end up
in this situation.  she DESIRES being with you, so she will do anything to keep
you happy... INCLUDING waiting for you while you meet other chicks that you
want to fuck.  if you don't set this up from the start, you are finished.  if
you go to them as if you want a one-on-one relationship and THEN try to look at
other girls, you imply that you want a one-on-one with the OTHER CHICKS and not
with your girl.  if you approach her like she is going to be ONE OF YOUR GIRLS,
then she can take that or leave it.

you have to realize that chicks are looking for a certain feeling.  it's not
like guys where we can trade in one pair of 36Cs for another and be perfectly
satisfied.  once you make that connection to them, you have a special place
with them.  they can ignore that or fight it or shut you out of their lives if
they want to, but most times, the feelings they get with other guys is nowhere
near what they feel for you and they are so interested in getting that feeling
that they will accept YOUR VERSION of a "relationship" to whatever extent they
can stand it... including lesbo 3-ways :)

>(I am trying to 
>find a way I can meet him, so I can go PU with him ;-) ). BF 
>playboy seems to have a bit of Nathan's GM's friend 
>attitude, and will go hit on chicks in a restaurant, and then 
>come back to HB Blitz and remark about how that chick has 
>good tits, or whatever. He is in their face, and will get 
>phone numbers and everything, and leave HB Blitz sitting at 
>the table while he is doing the PUA (and no, she doesn't 
>leave, she sits and TAKES IT!).

she knows what she wants.  she wants him to be with her.  if she doesn't accept
his way of living, she will be DUMPED!  where is she then?  no boyfriend... no
boyfriend that she REALLY LIKES... no sex... no being taken out... no
affection... starting all over with another guy after TWO YEARS of EMOTIONAL
INVESTMENT...   her best bet is to stick with him REGARDLESS of him fucking
other women and telling her to join into the action.

obviously he doesn't give a fuck about her feelings because he has so many
other chicks that are willing to take her place.  she knows this too and has no
choice but to accept his way, or be excommunicated... potentially NEVER SEEING
HIM EVER AGAIN!  she probably has DREAMS of marrying him and hopes that if she
stays around long enough, his love for her will overshadow his lust for the
other girls and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... that's how they think.  when a chick
WANTS YOU... it's aaaaaaalll over!  that is... if you are a unique individual
and they feel like they have never met anyone like you and the odds of getting
this close to someone like you again are very low.

>Another time, they were on a plane trip somewhere, and he 
>went to the back of the plane to grab a smoke. He came 
>back 30 minutes later, and she asked where he was (he said 
>he was talking to some girls in the back of the plane). Then 
>he left again, and stayed back there the duration of the flight 
>with the chicks. HB blitz TOOK THAT, too!

what do you WANT her to do about it?  he is probably paying for the plane trip.
 he is taking her somewhere that she would never have gone except for him.  he
is making her life better.  what do you want her to do?  tell him she wants him
to only be with her? BOOTED!  tell him she wants him to spend all his time with
her? BOOTED!  she knows that she is expendable and he is ALLOWING her to have
some of her time.  she is hanging onto him for DEAR LIFE and does not want to
upset him in any way.  that's why I ended up here at the NG.  girls that I move
on don't TELL me anything!  they just let me do what I want to do because they
like me and they like how I am making them feel.  I never have had to TALK a
woman into bed.  they WANT to fuck me.  We don't discuss relationships or
anything else because they know that I want to fuck them and leave them and
they accept that over NEVER experiencing me at all.  I don't call them for
months then I get a craving for them and ask them out.  they could tell me no
because I don't call them every day.  they could tell me no because I am dating
other women.  they could tell me no because they hate me.  it doesn't matter at
all because they know I only want them for fun and sex.  they know that if I am
calling, it is for a reason... and a good reason :)

>And there are many many more stories like this she told me,
>where she caught him out with chicks, and he got angry at
>her, or didn't deny it, or other shit..

why should he?  you are reacting based on a level playing field.  just because
the chick is attractive, YOU THINK she has rights.  she does not.  she gave
away her rights to her BF because she NEEDS to be with him.  think of her as a
warpig going out with an attractive guy.  the warpig is going to take whatever
SCRAPS of a relationship she can get.  it's the same thing for an HB that WANTS
to be with a particular MAN!  it doesn't matter WHAT he does because he is the
only one that makes her feel how she wants to feel.  She will take that feeling
at any price until it is too much for her, then she will quit him until she
does not have that craving satisfied by any other man, then she will wonder
what he is doing and crawl back to him... only she can't afford this because
WHY should he accept her back?  she fucked up.  She has considered leaving him
LOTS of times.  you know why she didnt?  because she has NOTHING BETTER LINED
UP!  she will stick with him INDEFINITELY!

>And now, the coup de grace. BF Playboy had given a key to 
>his place to HB blitz at some point. One day she forgot 
>something (or used this as an excuse to spy.Maniac knows 
>better ;-) ), and called BF playboy several times. Then she 
>goes in the place, and she catches him doing a chick on the 
>bed! Her remark, was something like "Who is this fucking 
>girl!". And now the good part, he got angry at HER, and  
>blamed her, that it was her fault, because she came in 
>uninivited, and thats why she found this! HER FAULT, not 

it WAS her fault.  I'm sure that when he gave her the key he TOLD HER THE
RULES! "you are NOT allowed to come over here unless you check with me first"
and she agreed.  SHE broke the rules and went to his PERSONAL SPACE uninvited! 
it is ALL her fault.  besides, how stupid do you have to be to see him getting
numbers and flirting and telling her that the other girl has nice tits and
think that he's NOT fucking them too?  the same thing that attracts the HB to
him attracts OTHER CHICKS to him too and they know this and accept that he has
so much appeal that he can get chicks at will.  she is not important to him at
all and they both know it and she accepts it.

>And, the killer!.she then told me, it was for reasons like 
>this.that she somehow LIKED HIM!! I asked her to 
>explain, and she couldn't. My impression is that she likes an 
>attractice man she cannot control, and this has to be the 
>ultimate example of that! She also remarked she likes the 
>man to be in control, and lead her.

oh... well there you go.  she likes to be controlled.  end of story.

she likes that helpless feeling she gets when he is seducing other women in
front of her.  she likes to be treated like garbage.  she likes for him to be
who he is and do whatever he wants.  that makes it even worse.  what do you
think she thinks of AFCs that ask to buy her drinks and do things for her? 
there is no control over her there.  the guys she meets in the street or in the
clubs cater to her.  she is tired of that and wants to feel like she has to
struggle.  she needs to feel that she is TRYING to get this guy to just be with
her.  if he changes up and just gets with her, she will be bored and go after
someone else.

>After that incident, he asked her to move in with him! .and 
>SHE DID! And SHE STILL LIVES THERE! And, get this, 
>he is never home most night (get a clue fuck!, heck, I bet 
>she already knows, but somehow in some masochistic way, 
>she likes getting left home while BF playboy is out fucking 
>other chicks!).. and, she says she can't decide what to do!

she TRIED to get more of his time by moving him in with her.  now she pays only
half the rent (then again, he probably isn't paying ANY rent) and she STILL
doesn't have any more control in her relationship... all she really did is fuck
herself up as far as bringing other men home :)

>This guys, is earthshattering material. I would have never 
>known that you could do so much shit to a chick, and still 
>have her madly in love with you, to take.EVEN MORE 
>SHIT! Fucking incredible..!

if the chick wants you, you can do ANYTHING to her or in front of her and she
will accept it and love you still.  it's all in the setup though.  if you
declare yourself an independent, attractive, appealing MAN and you are not
going to stop fucking other chicks for her or any other girl, she has two
choices... stay with the "flawed" man that she WANTS FOR HERSELF... or get with
other guys that MAY BE JUST AS FLAWED but have NO TRACK RECORD and  NO

think about it... even though he is fucking all these other girls, he is
probably the MOST CONSISTANT lay she has ever had.  when she needs that orgasm,
he gives it to her how she likes it.  GAME OVER!

>Its like the more this guy abuses her (not physically), the 
>more she takes even more!

I think her "control" remark says it all.  she likes to be controlled and there
is no better way to feel controlled than to have things happen to you or in
front of you that you don't like, but can't stop.  This chick is every man's
dream  :)  beautiful and subservient!

>It also means that Maniac will get much more GM in style, 
>and much more blatent with chicks when around chicks. I 
>will see what happens and report. Not be an asshole like
>this guy (though being an asshole seems to get good chicks
>because she is fucking AWESOME).

there is a difference between acting on your appeal to women and being an
asshole.  fucking other chicks and asking your "girlfriend" to get involved in
it is NOT being an asshole.  verbally or physically abusing her IS being an
asshole.  you can be one without the other, and in a world where guys are
taught to bow down to women, it is refreshing for them to meet a MAN that
follows his PRIMAL INSTINCTS and wants to fuck her.

>As an aside to this, I told her that I am seeing a chick, (in 
>fact, she has even seen me with her!), it didn't bother her, 
>she was after me, and holding hands massages and kino and 
>all other shit I didn't even start when I was with her. I 
>would have fucked her RIGHT THERE, had she not been a 
>club member (which my other GF is also a member of ; 

learn the lesson.  don't accept girls that won't accept you fucking other
girls.. or if you have to be sneaky about it, fuck her WELL then change the
rules of the game.  if she wants to continue to see you, she has to accept that
you are going to be with other chicks AND expect her to get down in 3-ways...
either that or it's over between you... her choice.. she will NEVER choose to
leave you if you fucked her RIGHT.  also, she will come crawling back when she
realizes that now she's dating men that don't give a fuck about her orgasms and
are just dumping sperm into her mouth and pussy... she'll be back... ON YOUR

>Fucking unbelieveable.. I would have never expected chicks 
>to think like this and act this way.and I thought I had seen 
>a lot..  BTW, this chick is an abosolute hot 10, even by 
>Japanese model quality.. so its not like that 
>she couldn't get another BF to replace this guy in 30 
>seconds or something.

she could get a BODY to replace his... but that's not what it's about with
girls  :)

they need FEELINGS!  figure out her END VALUES, not her MEANS VALUES.  It seems
like she gets a feeling from her ATTRACTION to her boyfriend and his CONTROL
over her and his APATHY and the fact that she has to WORK to keep him happy or
he will leave her.  she can't get that combination with just ANY GUY.  yes, she
can get another guy ASAP... but she could have done that for the last 2 YEARS
now couldn't she?  ;)

From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Fri Oct  1 00:27:45 1999
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Profile Report! Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
Lines: 279
Date: 27 Sep 1999 17:07:17 GMT
Organization: AOL
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
Message-ID: <>

In article ,
"maniac_high"  writes:

>Profile Report: Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
>Sometimes, when I think even I understand how far chick 
>logic can take a woman's brain, I meet someone new, who 
>reminds me how little I know. Tonight was such a night.

I have read ahead and would like to repeat what I have been saying all along:

women WANT to get picked up by men... they just want to get picked up by MEN

the TWIST in this case is that women will not GIVE UP men that they want...

DISCLAIMER:  I am a "natural" so I understand completely what is going on here
and will attempt to explain it, but girls react differently to naturals than
regular guys, so my comments may not be useful to most except for theoretical
use :)

>There is a chick that is in a hobby club which I am a 
>member. Now I have a rule about not nanpa'ing / Puing 
>chicks in this club, just because it makes for messy endings 
>that are hard to eject from. This chick (a top 10 big titted 
>awsome Japanese HB by the way),  told me she was having 
>trouble with her BF, and had shown an interest in me (uh oh 
>;-). So I figured to hear her story, and try to learn something 
>even if I dont plan to PU the chick. This was insightful, 
>even I learned a lot from this! was shocked 
>actually.. Here goes..
>HB Blitz started dating her current BF about two years ago.  
>BF is a playboy, and is dating several chicks at once (like 
>your's truly ;-) ). Problem is he is sloppy about it. The good 
>thing is, because of chick logic, it isn't a problem! 

it is NOT a problem.  when I used to date several chicks that lived near each
other, I announced to all of them that I was seeing other chicks.  I also
announced to the important ones WHO the other chicks were, because I didn't
want to get caught in lies or bad situations walking around town with them. 
ALL of them gave me NO resistance whatsoever.  None of them asked me to be only
with them.  my demeanor from the beginning is one of take-it-or-leave-it on
both sides.  when they meet me, I am freely checking out chicks' asses and tits
and commenting on them.  if they DECIDE to get with me, they know this ahead of
time that I like LOTS of girls and am not interested in them for their minds or
their emotions, but for their bodies and for fun.  they have already accepted
this by the time they get with me.  they do not EXPECT me to just be with them
or to love them or have some emotional connection to them.  they see me as
action like I see them as action and we agree and that's it.  what happens
though is that they want MORE after a while and start to up the ante to get me
to just be with them.  the difference here is that THEY are requesting
something of me, not the other way around.  If I were requesting sex from them,
they could request the context of a relationship / committment.  since I am NOT
and they know I can get sex off of any other chick as quickly as I got it off
of her, THEY have to do the work to MAKE ME want to just be with them.  I have
ALL the power in the relationship... all they can do is get with the program or

>From her description, BF playboy  is an interesting 
>character, and a good PUA. Apparently, he will hit on 
>chicks anywhere, even in front of HB blitz!

as long as this is set up in the beginning, you can do this forever.  if you
don't accept any women that hinder your efforts to meet other women, you end up
in this situation.  she DESIRES being with you, so she will do anything to keep
you happy... INCLUDING waiting for you while you meet other chicks that you
want to fuck.  if you don't set this up from the start, you are finished.  if
you go to them as if you want a one-on-one relationship and THEN try to look at
other girls, you imply that you want a one-on-one with the OTHER CHICKS and not
with your girl.  if you approach her like she is going to be ONE OF YOUR GIRLS,
then she can take that or leave it.

you have to realize that chicks are looking for a certain feeling.  it's not
like guys where we can trade in one pair of 36Cs for another and be perfectly
satisfied.  once you make that connection to them, you have a special place
with them.  they can ignore that or fight it or shut you out of their lives if
they want to, but most times, the feelings they get with other guys is nowhere
near what they feel for you and they are so interested in getting that feeling
that they will accept YOUR VERSION of a "relationship" to whatever extent they
can stand it... including lesbo 3-ways :)

>(I am trying to 
>find a way I can meet him, so I can go PU with him ;-) ). BF 
>playboy seems to have a bit of Nathan's GM's friend 
>attitude, and will go hit on chicks in a restaurant, and then 
>come back to HB Blitz and remark about how that chick has 
>good tits, or whatever. He is in their face, and will get 
>phone numbers and everything, and leave HB Blitz sitting at 
>the table while he is doing the PUA (and no, she doesn't 
>leave, she sits and TAKES IT!).

she knows what she wants.  she wants him to be with her.  if she doesn't accept
his way of living, she will be DUMPED!  where is she then?  no boyfriend... no
boyfriend that she REALLY LIKES... no sex... no being taken out... no
affection... starting all over with another guy after TWO YEARS of EMOTIONAL
INVESTMENT...   her best bet is to stick with him REGARDLESS of him fucking
other women and telling her to join into the action.

obviously he doesn't give a fuck about her feelings because he has so many
other chicks that are willing to take her place.  she knows this too and has no
choice but to accept his way, or be excommunicated... potentially NEVER SEEING
HIM EVER AGAIN!  she probably has DREAMS of marrying him and hopes that if she
stays around long enough, his love for her will overshadow his lust for the
other girls and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... that's how they think.  when a chick
WANTS YOU... it's aaaaaaalll over!  that is... if you are a unique individual
and they feel like they have never met anyone like you and the odds of getting
this close to someone like you again are very low.

>Another time, they were on a plane trip somewhere, and he 
>went to the back of the plane to grab a smoke. He came 
>back 30 minutes later, and she asked where he was (he said 
>he was talking to some girls in the back of the plane). Then 
>he left again, and stayed back there the duration of the flight 
>with the chicks. HB blitz TOOK THAT, too!

what do you WANT her to do about it?  he is probably paying for the plane trip.
 he is taking her somewhere that she would never have gone except for him.  he
is making her life better.  what do you want her to do?  tell him she wants him
to only be with her? BOOTED!  tell him she wants him to spend all his time with
her? BOOTED!  she knows that she is expendable and he is ALLOWING her to have
some of her time.  she is hanging onto him for DEAR LIFE and does not want to
upset him in any way.  that's why I ended up here at the NG.  girls that I move
on don't TELL me anything!  they just let me do what I want to do because they
like me and they like how I am making them feel.  I never have had to TALK a
woman into bed.  they WANT to fuck me.  We don't discuss relationships or
anything else because they know that I want to fuck them and leave them and
they accept that over NEVER experiencing me at all.  I don't call them for
months then I get a craving for them and ask them out.  they could tell me no
because I don't call them every day.  they could tell me no because I am dating
other women.  they could tell me no because they hate me.  it doesn't matter at
all because they know I only want them for fun and sex.  they know that if I am
calling, it is for a reason... and a good reason :)

>And there are many many more stories like this she told me,
>where she caught him out with chicks, and he got angry at
>her, or didn't deny it, or other shit..

why should he?  you are reacting based on a level playing field.  just because
the chick is attractive, YOU THINK she has rights.  she does not.  she gave
away her rights to her BF because she NEEDS to be with him.  think of her as a
warpig going out with an attractive guy.  the warpig is going to take whatever
SCRAPS of a relationship she can get.  it's the same thing for an HB that WANTS
to be with a particular MAN!  it doesn't matter WHAT he does because he is the
only one that makes her feel how she wants to feel.  She will take that feeling
at any price until it is too much for her, then she will quit him until she
does not have that craving satisfied by any other man, then she will wonder
what he is doing and crawl back to him... only she can't afford this because
WHY should he accept her back?  she fucked up.  She has considered leaving him
LOTS of times.  you know why she didnt?  because she has NOTHING BETTER LINED
UP!  she will stick with him INDEFINITELY!

>And now, the coup de grace. BF Playboy had given a key to 
>his place to HB blitz at some point. One day she forgot 
>something (or used this as an excuse to spy.Maniac knows 
>better ;-) ), and called BF playboy several times. Then she 
>goes in the place, and she catches him doing a chick on the 
>bed! Her remark, was something like "Who is this fucking 
>girl!". And now the good part, he got angry at HER, and  
>blamed her, that it was her fault, because she came in 
>uninivited, and thats why she found this! HER FAULT, not 

it WAS her fault.  I'm sure that when he gave her the key he TOLD HER THE
RULES! "you are NOT allowed to come over here unless you check with me first"
and she agreed.  SHE broke the rules and went to his PERSONAL SPACE uninvited! 
it is ALL her fault.  besides, how stupid do you have to be to see him getting
numbers and flirting and telling her that the other girl has nice tits and
think that he's NOT fucking them too?  the same thing that attracts the HB to
him attracts OTHER CHICKS to him too and they know this and accept that he has
so much appeal that he can get chicks at will.  she is not important to him at
all and they both know it and she accepts it.

>And, the killer!.she then told me, it was for reasons like 
>this.that she somehow LIKED HIM!! I asked her to 
>explain, and she couldn't. My impression is that she likes an 
>attractice man she cannot control, and this has to be the 
>ultimate example of that! She also remarked she likes the 
>man to be in control, and lead her.

oh... well there you go.  she likes to be controlled.  end of story.

she likes that helpless feeling she gets when he is seducing other women in
front of her.  she likes to be treated like garbage.  she likes for him to be
who he is and do whatever he wants.  that makes it even worse.  what do you
think she thinks of AFCs that ask to buy her drinks and do things for her? 
there is no control over her there.  the guys she meets in the street or in the
clubs cater to her.  she is tired of that and wants to feel like she has to
struggle.  she needs to feel that she is TRYING to get this guy to just be with
her.  if he changes up and just gets with her, she will be bored and go after
someone else.

>After that incident, he asked her to move in with him! .and 
>SHE DID! And SHE STILL LIVES THERE! And, get this, 
>he is never home most night (get a clue fuck!, heck, I bet 
>she already knows, but somehow in some masochistic way, 
>she likes getting left home while BF playboy is out fucking 
>other chicks!).. and, she says she can't decide what to do!

she TRIED to get more of his time by moving him in with her.  now she pays only
half the rent (then again, he probably isn't paying ANY rent) and she STILL
doesn't have any more control in her relationship... all she really did is fuck
herself up as far as bringing other men home :)

>This guys, is earthshattering material. I would have never 
>known that you could do so much shit to a chick, and still 
>have her madly in love with you, to take.EVEN MORE 
>SHIT! Fucking incredible..!

if the chick wants you, you can do ANYTHING to her or in front of her and she
will accept it and love you still.  it's all in the setup though.  if you
declare yourself an independent, attractive, appealing MAN and you are not
going to stop fucking other chicks for her or any other girl, she has two
choices... stay with the "flawed" man that she WANTS FOR HERSELF... or get with
other guys that MAY BE JUST AS FLAWED but have NO TRACK RECORD and  NO

think about it... even though he is fucking all these other girls, he is
probably the MOST CONSISTANT lay she has ever had.  when she needs that orgasm,
he gives it to her how she likes it.  GAME OVER!

>Its like the more this guy abuses her (not physically), the 
>more she takes even more!

I think her "control" remark says it all.  she likes to be controlled and there
is no better way to feel controlled than to have things happen to you or in
front of you that you don't like, but can't stop.  This chick is every man's
dream  :)  beautiful and subservient!

>It also means that Maniac will get much more GM in style, 
>and much more blatent with chicks when around chicks. I 
>will see what happens and report. Not be an asshole like
>this guy (though being an asshole seems to get good chicks
>because she is fucking AWESOME).

there is a difference between acting on your appeal to women and being an
asshole.  fucking other chicks and asking your "girlfriend" to get involved in
it is NOT being an asshole.  verbally or physically abusing her IS being an
asshole.  you can be one without the other, and in a world where guys are
taught to bow down to women, it is refreshing for them to meet a MAN that
follows his PRIMAL INSTINCTS and wants to fuck her.

>As an aside to this, I told her that I am seeing a chick, (in 
>fact, she has even seen me with her!), it didn't bother her, 
>she was after me, and holding hands massages and kino and 
>all other shit I didn't even start when I was with her. I 
>would have fucked her RIGHT THERE, had she not been a 
>club member (which my other GF is also a member of ; 

learn the lesson.  don't accept girls that won't accept you fucking other
girls.. or if you have to be sneaky about it, fuck her WELL then change the
rules of the game.  if she wants to continue to see you, she has to accept that
you are going to be with other chicks AND expect her to get down in 3-ways...
either that or it's over between you... her choice.. she will NEVER choose to
leave you if you fucked her RIGHT.  also, she will come crawling back when she
realizes that now she's dating men that don't give a fuck about her orgasms and
are just dumping sperm into her mouth and pussy... she'll be back... ON YOUR

>Fucking unbelieveable.. I would have never expected chicks 
>to think like this and act this way.and I thought I had seen 
>a lot..  BTW, this chick is an abosolute hot 10, even by 
>Japanese model quality.. so its not like that 
>she couldn't get another BF to replace this guy in 30 
>seconds or something.

she could get a BODY to replace his... but that's not what it's about with
girls  :)

they need FEELINGS!  figure out her END VALUES, not her MEANS VALUES.  It seems
like she gets a feeling from her ATTRACTION to her boyfriend and his CONTROL
over her and his APATHY and the fact that she has to WORK to keep him happy or
he will leave her.  she can't get that combination with just ANY GUY.  yes, she
can get another guy ASAP... but she could have done that for the last 2 YEARS
now couldn't she?  ;)

From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Fri Oct  1 00:34:14 1999
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Profile Report! Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
Lines: 131
Date: 27 Sep 1999 17:07:13 GMT
References: <>
Organization: AOL
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, Outfoxing
The Foxes  writes:

>Some Guy Writes:
>From her description, BF playboy  is an interesting 
>character, and a good PUA. Apparently, he will hit on 
>chicks anywhere, even in front of HB blitz! (I am trying to 
>find a way I can meet him, so I can go PU with him ;-) ). BF 
>playboy seems to have a bit of Nathan's GM's friend 
>attitude, and will go hit on chicks in a restaurant, and then 
>come back to HB Blitz and remark about how that chick has 
>good tits, or whatever. He is in their face, and will get 
>phone numbers and everything, and leave HB Blitz sitting at 
>the table while he is doing the PUA (and no, she doesn't 
>leave, she sits and TAKES IT!).
><---------Of course she does.  She has several possible motives for this.
> One is to give him "The Power" and fulfill her conquering fantasy (by
>allowing him to conquer her this way).

that's what I said... she admitted she likes a man to be in control of her. 
she didn's say she likes a man to be in love with her.  two different things. 
I think the guy is attractive enough that he doesn't need her and doesn't need
to treat her like a prize because she isn't because he can get more of her
EVERY DAY!  he is her conqueror and she is his SLUT and that's all there is to
it  :)  back to the caveman days?

>Another is to piss off guys like
>you by making you wonder why she's with him and not you; still another is
>to draw attention to herself because if she didn't have problems, why
>would anyone pay attention to her with such intensity? (sex, but what
>else?).  Finally, she may get off on pitting other men against her
>boyfriend.  Given all this, one word applies:  P-I-V-O-T.  Here you have
>a gorgeous ornament which is absolutely useless to you,

I completely disagree here.  according to this report, she NEVER said she was
faithful to her BF.  I don't think she wants to be either.  matter of fact, it
would be part of her CONTROL GAME to fuck Maniac and try to hide it from her
boyfriend.  I think Maniac could have fucked her right there in the club since
she is used to being treated like a SLUT (notice the correct usage of the word
here as a WENCH or a HARLOT that is only there for a man's PHYSICAL PLEASURE
and is only valued for her FUCKING and SUCKING expertise and nobody cares what
she thinks about it and she has relinquished all control over her body to
another)  She will be a SLUT for maniac as she is for her boyfriend.  she likes
that feeling of being TAKEN!

she is not USELESS to him sexually... however, the risk is HIGH that he is
going to get BLUTOed and that though their relationship is strange according to
Maniac's idea of a relationship, a double-standard may be in effect were she is
not allowed to fuck around AT ALL and her boyfriend is.

>but whom you can
>use to lure other Foxes, and which serves as a Straw Fox, because
>anything you say which is negative about women can be routed through her
>and her dysfunctional relationship.  Using her as a pivot short-circuits
>this tactic, and telling her you are doing this might provoke her into
>chasing you because you were smart enough to avoid the problems she gives
>you while using her to your advantage.

this is absolutely true.  telling her that you don't want sex with her, but to
USE HER to lure other chicks will make her WANT to be TAKEN by you.  see how
much treating her like she is worthless got her boyfriend?  let her know she is
hot... BUT... you can't fuck her because of XYZ so you will just remain friends
and she can help you get other chicks.

>And, the killer!.she then told me, it was for reasons like this.that she
>somehow LIKED HIM!! I asked her to  explain, and she couldn't. My
>impression is that she likes an 
>attractice man she cannot control, and this has to be the  ultimate
>example of that! She also remarked she likes the  man to be in control,
>and lead her.
><--------She sees him as smart enough to treat her as she deserves to be
>treated.  This is a no-brainer.

simple, but important.  one of my wings doubted my techniques.  I would tell
him weekly, if not daily of how I attracted women by being who I am and he
didn't want to listen.  he got deep into supplication with this HB to the point
of being a "girlfriend" to her.  he was frustrated and mad... THEN he decided
to take my advice and go hardcore on her.  in ONE CONVERSATION lasting two
hours he found out that this chick that he had PREVIOUSLY labeled a "tease" is
a REGULAR at ANAL SEX and LIKES to look up into a guy's eyes when she's on her
knees sucking his dick.  He called me the next day all amazed and praising me
hahaha.  he FINALLY saw the light about his months of SUPPLICATION.  he had
bought her stuff and taken her places... I asked him what that was a REWARD
FOR... FOR HER LOOKING GOOD?  what did she do for him to deserve what he was
doing for her?  he saw CLEARLY that he gave away ANY power he had in the
relationship by doing stuff for her with no reason.

There is definitely a way a woman deserves to be treated.  it depends on who
she is willing to be for you.  if you overdo it and a woman does NOTHING for
you and you buy her stuff and take her places... why SHOULD she do ANYTHING for
you?  she gets gifts for NOTHING... she can work hard at getting some OTHER GUY
to give her stuff... like that incident that I am still laughing at where
someone on the NG drove some chicks to a bar and the chicks ditched them
immediately :) hahahaha   the girls KNEW they had the guys that drove them
there in their back pocket... on to the next challenge!  :)

>It also means that Maniac will get much more GM in style, 
>and much more blatent with chicks when around chicks. I  will see what
>happens and report. Not be an asshole like this guy (though being an
>asshole seems to get good chicks because she is fucking AWESOME).
><-----The more you become like GM, the more you are going to implode
>towards Foxes like this one.  This will corrupt your overall view of
>women to where you think they are all like this.  That doesn't mean that
>GM methods (dirty talking is what they used to call it) are necessarily
>bad; obviously a number of women like this type of sexual communication. 
>However, getting her gets you no prize; I'm sure she has the
>confrontation scenario already worked out in her head, and if there is no
>confrontation, you can be assured that one day you'll be the awful
>boyfriend that she one day complains about to others.  

getting her gets him no prize anyway even if there is no FIGHT.  this chick is
an empty-netter.  yes she is an HB, but what she REQUIRES from a man is to
control her.  not looks, not sweetness, not monogamy, not cuddling, not
respect... NOTHING BUT CONTROL!  she likes that feeling of being submissive and
having things happen to her that are out of her control.  she would do well in
those nanpa videos you guys love so much :)  I can see her getting fucked in an
alley by four chinese with video cameras and liking it a lot  :)

>She is REQUIRING men to act like jerks to get her into bed because at ANY
>point down the road she can isolate their behavior and turn others
>against them.  That's the price a man pays for going after a Fox like
>this.  The only way I would get involved with someone like this is with
>loads of preemption, and a reminder to her that I know EXACTLY what she
>is about.

yeah.  the jig is up.  let her know that you know who she is.  let her get with
the fucking or be your LJBF pivot or be gone.  end of story

From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Fri Oct  1 00:02:42 1999
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Profile Report! Maniac meets the chick logic HB BLITZ!
Lines: 20
Date: 27 Sep 1999 17:07:08 GMT
Organization: AOL
X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
Message-ID: <>

In article , (Nathan SZILARD) writes:

>| As an aside to this, I told her that I am seeing a chick, (in 
>| fact, she has even seen me with her!), it didn't bother her, 
>If you had told her otherwise she would'nt be interested.
>Damn, you elicited her worthless 'values' enough: she values
>a man who has plenty of chix, periods.

that's absolutely true.  I was dating this chick that had a boyfriend and I was
wondering why she didn't dump him, so I changed my tactics (after fucking her
of course) from you are ONE of my girlfriends to I want to be just with you and
make YOU happy.  she turned IMMEDIATELY cold to me and was no longer interested
in me.  she already had that from her boyfriend.  what she wanted from me is
who I am... a guy that likes sex and fun.  PERIOD!  no relationship, no
emotions, NOTHING!

you definitely made the right play being that she LIKES guys that have other
chicks besides her :)